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Michael Brown's Dreams

Dream - 0128 - Placerville House

There's a house in Placerville, that looks just like my house. But there is some remodeling going on.

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Dream - 0127 - Course Tracking Program

I am starting to write a course tracking program.

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Dream - 0126 - The Music Exchange

We went to the Music Exchange in San Francisco. The neighborhood has gone downhill. The black apartments are kind of shabby, but so is the store.

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Dream - 0125 - The New Job

I started a new job. But I dont know what it is

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Dream - 0124 - The Mouse

I was in the work room. When a mouse jumped and fled away

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Dream - 0123 - At Shannons

We were at Shannons. Shannon was cooking, tv on... Too loud... Shannon reaches over and gets a glass of something... Hey that's one of my plastic glasses! It's a clear liquid. She brings it near the stove and a fire starts.....

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Dream - 0122 - The Restaurant

I was at a restaurant. I was looking for something I have never had before.

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Dream - 0121- The Visit

One of my relatives from Maine was visiting. I'm bad with names and can't remember the name of the relative...

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Dream - 0120 - Brain Tumors

Brain Tumor Detection System

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Dream - 0119 - Mexican Restaurant

The Mexican Restaurant

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