Robot Mark
The Morning Process
Written by Mark wachdorf
Illustrated by dali e 2
The words describe the next picture.
On most days Robot Mark’s alarm goes off.
Every day Robot Mark turns on his lamp.
Robot Mark gets out of bed.
Robot Mark pulls the blankets back to air out the sheets.
Robot Mark picks up his clothes and puts them in the hamper
Robot Mark then brushes his teeth
On most days Robot Mark shaves
Robot Mark weighs himself
Then Robot Mark takes a shower
Robot Mark puts on deodorant
Robot Mark gets dressed
Robot Mark then starts a pot of coffee
Robot Mark then goes to the office
Robot Mark combs his hair
Robot Mark puts on his indoor shoes and socks
Then Robot Mark takes vitamins (or meds)
Robot Mark updates his stats… His watchman gets his weight and then he measures body compositions
Robo Mark has a few more chores before he starts his day.
Then Robot Mark makes his bed
(Note. The Netflix series called ‘the stranger’s on episode 5, it was mentioned that there are 2 kinds of people, those that make their bed, and those that do not (figuring they’ll be messing it back up at night, so way bother). That episode then goes on to say that those that make their bed have more successful lives. Hmm… organized vs non organized I guess)
Robot Mark fixes his lamp
Finally Robot Mark poars himself a cup of coffee
And Robot Mark is ready to start his day
And you see…
… Robot Mark is clean
… Robot Mark’s bed is made
… Robot Mark’s bedroom is clean
… Robot Mark’s light switch and lamp are properly set.
The end